PINKTUM E⁠-⁠Learnings

Schwierige Kund:innen: Herausfordernde Situationen souverän meistern
macrolearningTough Customers: Navigating Challenging Situations with Confidence
Tough Customers: Navigating Challenging Situations with Confidence
"The Customer Is King"—a nice principle, but not always easy to follow. Some customers make life challenging for employees with behaviors like making excessive demands, being petty or impatient, or crossing boundaries. This e⁠-⁠training course provides strategies for handling difficult customer interactions in ways that foster positive relationships and maintain a constructive business dynamic. It focuses on developing a service-oriented mindset, explains techniques for de-escalation, and offers guidance on steering difficult conversations back on track. Participants will also learn how to set boundaries and respond effectively to boundary violations.
Handlungsfähig bleiben:  Unsicherheit und Ambivalenz souverän meistern
macrolearningStaying in Control : Managing Uncertainty and Ambivalence with Confidence
Staying in Control : Managing Uncertainty and Ambivalence with Confidence
The current global situation is worrying: In the face of the omnipresent climate crisis, financial crises, social and political unrest, technology and information overload, we need to find our bearings and take action. How can this be achieved? This training provides strategies for successfully dealing with ambiguity and uncertainty. It highlights the aspects of mental agility, self-awareness, emotional awareness and situational awareness. Mental agility makes it possible to accept uncertainty and react flexibly to new situations. Self-knowledge opens up the space to reflect on one's own values and convictions in order to better understand one's own reactions. Control over strong emotions prevents impulsive actions. This allows situations to be realistically analyzed and appropriate decisions to be made.
Ideen verwirklichen: Wie Sie Absichten in Taten umsetzen
macrolearningBringing Ideas to Life: Turning Intentions into Action
Bringing Ideas to Life: Turning Intentions into Action
We all have many goals and intentions. The question is, how can we move into action—and, more importantly, how do we stay committed until our goals are achieved? This e⁠-⁠training aims to provide assistance with action control and motivation. Based on various psychological models, it explains how to set realistic, motivating goals, what to consider when planning action steps, how to maintain discipline during execution, and how to constructively analyze the results to achieve future goals even more effectively.
Im Unternehmenssinne denken: Verantwortung übernehmen, Entscheidungen treffen
macrolearningAdopt a Company-First Mindset: Own Your Actions and Make Decisions
Adopt a Company-First Mindset: Own Your Actions and Make Decisions
Thinking and acting in the best interest of the company isn’t just important for the C⁠-⁠suite. Everyone benefits when their values and goals align with those of the organization. This e⁠-⁠training course explains how to do that, and how to take responsibility and make decisions. It offers tools for self-reflection on roles and expectations, discusses the process of responsible decision-making, and explores how the right mindset can help you learn from mistakes to grow both personally and professionally.
Onboarding: Strategien für gelungenes Einarbeiten
macrolearningSeamless Onboarding: Proven Tactics for a Successful Start
Seamless Onboarding: Proven Tactics for a Successful Start
Good employees are hard to find—and even harder to retain. A structured onboarding process communicates to new employees from the very beginning that they are welcomed and valued. It helps them quickly familiarize themselves with their tasks, processes, and the company. This has a long-term impact on their motivation and commitment to their organization. This training guides you in shaping the three phases of onboarding, from the moment the contract is signed to the end of the probationary period. It focuses on clearly outlining expectations, responsibilities, and processes. Key areas include advancing professional expertise, fostering team connections, and communicating the company culture at multiple levels.
Führen nach Entwicklungsstand: Mitarbeitende optimal unterstützen
macrolearningLeading by Skill Level: Giving Employees the Best Possible Support
Leading by Skill Level: Giving Employees the Best Possible SupportLeading by Skill Level: Giving Employees the Best Possible Support
Not all leadership is the same. There are numerous models that explain which leadership would be ideal for which personality type and for which result. This e⁠-⁠training course looks at these different development models, but then focuses on a type of leadership that is geared towards the level of development of the respective employee. This is because employees need a different type of leadership depending on their skills and individual motivation. It shows ways in which the individual motivation level can be determined. It also looks at the assessment of employees‘ skills. Finally, suitable forms of leadership are presented for the different forms of motivation and competence.
Praxisorientiertes Prozessmanagement: Die Grundlagen
macrolearningThe Basics of Business Process Management
The Basics of Business Process Management
This training serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of process management. It explains various process management methods and their practical applications to streamline workflows and improve service quality. The training covers why process management is essential for businesses and how processes can be mapped to identify and eliminate sources of errors, ensuring continuous improvement. Methods such as the PDCA cycle and the 5⁠-⁠Why technique are introduced. Additionally, the training provides guidance on how teams can clearly assign responsibilities and roles during workshops.
Mental Health: Die psychische Gesundheit der Mitarbeitenden schützen
macrolearningMental Health: Safeguarding Employee Mental Health—Prioritizing Well-Being
Mental Health: Safeguarding Employee Mental Health—Prioritizing Well-BeingMental Health: Safeguarding Employee Mental Health—Prioritizing Well-Being
Ensuring employees' mental well-being is crucial for companies and management—not just due to the substantial economic impact of mental health problems annually. Therefore, prevention and support must be deeply integrated into everyday management practices. This e⁠-⁠training course explains how different leadership styles can make a leader either a resource or a stressor for their team. It details the benefits of transformational leadership and guidance on how to arrange daily work to prioritize employees' mental health. The importance of recognition and providing appropriate autonomy in tasks is also highlighted. Moreover, it promotes the creation of a supportive company culture and outlines how managers can safeguard their own mental health, considering the specific challenges they encounter.
Lernen lernen: Weiterbildungschancen erkennen und nutzen
macrolearningLearning to Learn: Identifying and Seizing Further Development Opportunities
Learning to Learn: Identifying and Seizing Further Development Opportunities
Learning never stops, especially in today's digital and unpredictable work environment. Fortunately, today's employees can do more for their education than ever before. This e⁠-⁠training course introduces the concept of lifelong learning, explores future skills, offers tips for identifying personal learning needs, showcases diverse learning opportunities, and provides strategies for integrating learning into daily work routines. Additionally, it offers insights on effectively coordinating with managers and networking with colleagues to facilitate internal knowledge sharing.
Lernen fördern – Eine Lernkultur im Team etablieren
macrolearningPromoting Learning: Fostering a Culture of Learning within Your Team
Promoting Learning: Fostering a Culture of Learning within Your Team
Success today doesn't guarantee relevance tomorrow. This holds true for both individuals and entire companies. With the world evolving rapidly, so do the requirements for professional skills. To stay competitive, companies must cultivate a forward-thinking learning culture. his e⁠-⁠training course offers insights into the supportive conditions needed across three key areas: organizational structure, corporate culture, and leadership dynamics. Managers, serving as role models, play a crucial role in granting employees the autonomy to chart their own paths of learning.
Mental Health: Achtsam handeln im Arbeitsalltag
macrolearningMental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work Routine
Mental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work RoutineMental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work RoutineMental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work RoutineMental Health: Being Mindful in Your Daily Work Routine
Mental illness is prevalent in the workforce, causing significant suffering for individuals and resulting in substantial economic losses. This e⁠-⁠training course aims to provide employees with options for managing their daily work routines in a way that minimizes the risk of mental health problems. To achieve this goal, resource-oriented health concepts are introduced, highlighting the importance of colleagues and social networks in preventing and detecting mental health issues early. Additionally, practical mindfulness and relaxation exercises are provided for assistance.
Probleme lösen – Von der Analyse bis zur Umsetzung
macrolearningEffective Problem-Solving—Strategies for Identifying and Solving Issues
Effective Problem-Solving—Strategies for Identifying and Solving Issues
We come across challenges in various aspects of life - be it at work, within the family, or on both large and small scales. While problems are an integral part of our daily existence, many individuals struggle to handle them rationally and effectively. Our e⁠-⁠training course offers you a structured approach: you'll gain the skills to precisely define problems, formulate targeted solution strategies, and consistently put them into action. Through practical methods and helpful tips, we assist you in every step of the problem-solving process, ensuring you have a solid grip on your challenges!
Employability stärken – Attraktiv für den Arbeitsmarkt bleiben
macrolearningEnhancing Employability—Staying Competitive in the Job Market
Enhancing Employability—Staying Competitive in the Job Market
The nature of work in the modern world is changing rapidly. Unlike the past where people would often do the same job for years, it has become common for work tasks to change frequently. This change is due to increasing digitalization, artificial intelligence, and temporary work. In this context, it has become increasingly important for employees to regularly undergo training and upgrade their skills to increase their own employability. But what does employability mean? What skills are necessary to stay efficient and attractive in the job market in the long run? What is the relationship between career identity, self-efficacy and employability? Our e⁠-⁠training course provides answers to all these questions and more on the subject of employability.
Fehlerkultur im Team – Konstruktiv mit Fehlern umgehen
macrolearningNavigating an Error Culture in the Team—Fostering a Positive Approach to Mistakes
Navigating an Error Culture in the Team—Fostering a Positive Approach to Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. It's inevitable and often necessary for learning and growth. Utilize the potential of mistakes in your team! However, ensure that the negative effects of mistakes are addressed quickly and effectively, and subsequent errors are prevented. This can be achieved by establishing a positive error culture within your team. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will learn how negative and positive error cultures differ and the values and norms underlying a positive error culture. Additionally, you will be equipped with various methods to empower your team members to handle mistakes confidently.
Generationenübergreifend führen und zusammenarbeiten
macrolearningLeading Across Generations
Leading Across GenerationsLeading Across GenerationsLeading Across GenerationsLeading Across Generations
The focus of this training is about building positive connections among employees from different generations and between managers and team members of various ages—both on a personal and professional level. The e⁠-⁠training course aims to spark ideas for smooth intergenerational collaboration and provides tips on the challenges and potential conflicts that managers might encounter. It also sheds light on the opportunities that come with working across multiple generations.
E-Trainings erfolgreich im Unternehmen einsetzen
macrolearningSuccessfully introducing e⁠-⁠training courses in a company
Successfully introducing e⁠-⁠training courses in a company
E⁠-⁠learning is the learning format of the present and the future. Nevertheless, it often falls short of its potential because many companies forget to focus on the learners and not on the content and the technology, especially when it comes to high-tech learning. So put your learners at the center; accompany and support them in their learning process. Create a learning culture where learning is valued and encouraged. Join us to learn about the three most popular forms of e⁠-⁠learning. This way you can work out the best combination for you and your learners. Learn about the most important motivating factors for learning processes and how you can best translate these into your everyday work in your role as HR managers or executives in order to successfully implement e⁠-⁠learning in your company.
Fit im Job – Gesund und achtsam arbeiten
macrolearningStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and Mindful
Staying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and MindfulStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and MindfulStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and MindfulStaying Fit and Active on the Job—Working Healthy and Mindful
Employees experience different physical and mental stressors in their daily work. These include, for example, excessive demands, stress, monotony, lack of autonomy, disruptions, varying shifts, and prolonged screen time. These stressors can lead not only to reduced performance but also to underlying health issues. In this e⁠-⁠training course, participants learn how to deal constructively with these stressors to remain healthy in the long term.
Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen – sozial, ökonomisch und ökologisch arbeiten
macrolearningCorporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental Responsibility
Corporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental ResponsibilityCorporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental ResponsibilityCorporate Sustainability—Social, Economic, and Environmental Responsibility
Sustainability is probably one of the biggest buzzwords of the 21st century. People are becoming more and more aware of the need to live and act sustainably—not just consumers, but companies are also taking their impact on the world more and more seriously. Many companies are already committed to reducing CO2 emissions and using their resources responsibly. But what does sustainability actually mean? And how can we all contribute to a sustainable way of dealing with our planet, our economy, and our fellow human beings? That's what this e⁠-⁠training course is all about.
Führen mit Lob – Wertschätzung und Anerkennung zeigen
macrolearningLeading with Praise—Showing Appreciation and Recognition
Leading with Praise—Showing Appreciation and Recognition
Employees want praise and recognition - for what they accomplish every day, but also for good decisions, success and stressful work phases. Recognition is an important tool in social interaction: it not only motivates, it also shows us that we are doing something right and performing our tasks well. When confirmation is lacking, it usually affects not only the employee's satisfaction, but also their job performance. How do you manage to adequately recognize the work of your employees? How can you show appreciation to your employees? And how can you also show this to yourself? These are the questions addressed in this e⁠-⁠training course.
Mit Selbstvertrauen ins KI-Zeitalter
macrolearningMoving into the Age of AI with Confidence
Moving into the Age of AI with ConfidenceMoving into the Age of AI with ConfidenceMoving into the Age of AI with ConfidenceMoving into the Age of AI with Confidence
The AI revolution is one of the fastest and most profound transformations in recent history. Hardly any professional field will remain untouched by it. This shift will require all of us to take a new approach to our work and the world around us. This e⁠-⁠training course does not provide hard facts about how algorithms work. Rather, it focuses on the human aspect. The objective is to guide learners in developing their resilience, grasping strategies to manage change effectively, and recognizing how discovering their purpose can foster fulfilling work experiences, even amid new circumstances.
Fluktuation aktiv senken
macrolearningActively Reduce Employee Turnover
Actively Reduce Employee Turnover Actively Reduce Employee Turnover Actively Reduce Employee Turnover
This course focuses on preventing and proactively addressing the factors that lead to employee turnover. The e⁠-⁠training course provides insights into positive employee retention, explores common reasons for job changes, and offers potential countermeasures that leaders can implement. It begins by examining the different types of turnover, then delves into what constitutes an attractive company culture and what employees expect. Additionally, the course covers the entire employee lifecycle, from successful recruiting and onboarding to exit interviews. This e⁠-⁠training course helps participants understand turnover, recognize its positive aspects, and provides practical tips for managers and HR departments on how to effectively reduce turnover in their company.
Bindungskräfte entfalten – Mitarbeitende zu Partnern machen
macrolearningUnleashing the Power of Connection: Turning Employees into Partners
Unleashing the Power of Connection: Turning Employees into PartnersUnleashing the Power of Connection: Turning Employees into Partners
Human beings have a strong need for connection and belonging. We all want to feel included, valued, and responsible, both personally and professionally. We want to be part of a team, contribute to shaping our work, and feel a sense of responsibility to our tasks and colleagues. If your employees do not feel that they are allowed to “play along”, it directly impacts your company's performance and competitive edge, ultimately affecting its success. In this e⁠-⁠training course, you will discover strategies to make your employees feel like they're truly part of the team and keep them engaged. As a leader, you play a crucial role in this process. This e⁠-⁠training course will equip you with research-backed strategies to actively enhance employee commitment. So, let's get started!
Purpose – Mit Sinn zum Erfolg
macrolearningPurpose—Understanding and Achieving Success
Purpose—Understanding and Achieving Success
Today's employees and companies often no longer define success simply by how quickly someone can climb the corporate ladder. Instead, it is increasingly measured in terms of responsibility, community benefit, satisfaction, and purpose. Why is purposeful work so promising? And what can help you find more purpose and joy in your job? This course will show you how to find purpose in your work and be more successful and satisfied in your company.
Lean Management – Die Grundlagen
macrolearningThe Basics of Lean Management
The Basics of Lean ManagementThe Basics of Lean ManagementThe Basics of Lean ManagementThe Basics of Lean Management
This training is intended as a comprehensive introduction to the basics of Lean management. The essential contents and principles of Lean are explained, as well as the actual application—in the field of producing, as well as in the administrative field. This is possible because it is about the mindset for "Lean" thinking as well as some tools that are suitable for production and the office. In addition to theory, practical examples and transfer tasks also help to ensure that the course knowledge acquired is ready to apply.
Lean Management für Fortgeschrittene
macrolearningLean Management Advanced Course
Lean Management Advanced CourseLean Management Advanced CourseLean Management Advanced CourseLean Management Advanced Course
In this advanced training, basic knowledge of Lean Management is required and then expanded upon. Participants learn about obstacles they may encounter when implementing Lean Management, as well as active measures for employee development. This helps to support even more intensive customer service and a leaner value stream.
Big Data – Die Welt der Daten verstehen
macrolearningBig Data—Understanding the World of Data
Big Data—Understanding the World of Data Big Data—Understanding the World of Data Big Data—Understanding the World of Data
Big Data, Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI)—you've probably heard these terms before. But are you able to explain the meaning behind these trend words? Unless you're a data scientist or an AI developer, you may have a hard time understanding the world of data and related technologies. This is exactly where this e⁠-⁠training comes in: You will learn about important topics surrounding Big Data, with no prior knowledge needed. It is not about how you can handle Big Data yourself—but a basic overview of what Big Data actually is, the opportunities and challenges associated with it, and which methods and tools data experts use to create added value from Big Data.
Agile Tool-Box für den Arbeitsalltag
macrolearningAgile Toolbox for Everyday Work
Agile Toolbox for Everyday WorkAgile Toolbox for Everyday WorkAgile Toolbox for Everyday WorkAgile Toolbox for Everyday Work
This training provides an overview of common agile techniques. It should serve as a basis for the participants to decide whether and how these techniques can be integrated into their personal daily work. The focus is not on explaining the entire agile methodology, but rather on what you can pick out and implement relatively easily—even in non-agile work. The learning focus is on the application of agile techniques and tips for implementing them. The three themes are: collaboration, communication, and time management.
Agile Tool-Box für Workshops und Meetings
macrolearningAgile Toolbox for Workshops and Meetings
Agile Toolbox for Workshops and MeetingsAgile Toolbox for Workshops and MeetingsAgile Toolbox for Workshops and MeetingsAgile Toolbox for Workshops and Meetings
This course provides an overview of some Agile techniques that can be useful for designing and running meetings and workshops. While the emphasis is not on the entire Agile methodology, you will learn techniques that can be helpful in preparing for a meeting or workshop, execution, and follow-up, as well as tips for implementing what you've learned.
Strategisches Verkaufen – Grundlagen des strategischen Vertriebs
macrolearningStrategic Sales—Basics of Strategic Sales
Strategic Sales—Basics of Strategic SalesStrategic Sales—Basics of Strategic SalesStrategic Sales—Basics of Strategic Sales
Today, salespeople need to know more than just their product or service. They require extensive knowledge past simple customer and competitor information, or being able to conduct a sales conversation. Above all, salespersons must approach their key customers strategically and be able to build a relationship with them. This e⁠-⁠training course covers why a strategic approach is more important today than ever. You will learn what strategic sales is all about. Additionally, you will discover which situations and which customers strategic sales skills make sense for, and finally what mindset and skills are required for this.
Strategisches Verkaufen – Die strategische Kundenentwicklung
macrolearningStrategic Sales—Strategic Customer Development
Strategic Sales—Strategic Customer DevelopmentStrategic Sales—Strategic Customer DevelopmentStrategic Sales—Strategic Customer Development
Both talent and the right gut feeling are integral in operational sales. On a strategic level, however, it still requires a targeted approach with a system. During this e⁠-⁠learning course, you will learn what key account management is and which steps it involves. You will learn how to identify your key customers and which methods you can use to find out what makes them and their stakeholders tick. The e⁠-⁠training course also discusses answers to the following questions: What options are there for working with my key accounts? And which strategy is the right one? In this way, you will learn how to optimally develop your most valuable customers and achieve more revenue and profit in a partnership that suits both your company and the customer.